Funeral Home Visit

As I made a funeral home visit this past week, I pondered some thoughts as I extended condolences to parents who had tragically just lost their daughter. First, even if someone is nice, was that person saved? Second, which I pondered later, who consoled the Father when Jesus was brutally beaten and then put to…

Three Key Areas

Although there are other areas, there are three key policy areas that significantly show the decadent and/or unrighteous path America is on. They are abortion, homosexuality and “roadmap to peace” plan in regards to Jerusalem and Israel. America’s abortion rights policy is horrible. There have been over 58 million abortions since Roe versus Wade. The…

What would Jesus do if he were president?

WWJD is a common acronym seen on stickers or bracelets throughout America. It translates to “What would Jesus do?” In regard to the current state of our government and nation, I ponder “WWJD” if Jesus were the newly elected president. Some things come to mind immediately of which I’m confident. First, I already know that…

Choose this Day

Choose this day who you will serve. May the words of Joshua challenge America? People believe that they have the right to do evil; the same way illegal immigrants believe that they have rights to be here in violation of law. Talk show hosts get on radio, and tell you what needs to be done…

Constitution: a Christian document

There’s no reference to Christianity in the Constitution, except for the legal exemption of Sunday with respect to presidential vetoes (in Article I, Section 7) and the dating “in the year of our Lord” in Article VII. So how can the Constitution truly be a Christian document? First, the laws reflect Christian moral laws, and…